Middle ground for complexity and simplicity.



Content & Strategy

UX & UI Design

Responsive Web Development

Quality assurance


  • Goal

    The main goal of this project was to build a complete automatized system for multi-sector businesses that involve fieldwork in their everyday operations.

  • Objective

    The main goal of this project was to connect every part of the system to develop a meticulous, fully functional, and simple-to-use platform to accomplish the best possible user experience for all users. The main focus here was making field-work organization a breeze, as well as creating an easy-to-manage multi-sector business platform.

  • Result

    After we thoroughly researched our client's needs, as well as all the problems they were facing, we created a completely customizable, connected, and easy-to-use platform that incorporates state-of-the-art technologies.

  • Custom-made Software

    Custom software can be a key differentiator for our client's business. By developing a custom software, together with our client, we can build an application that fits our client's needs based on the features that they truly need. If they have a big idea, we can even work to create an application that doesn’t yet exist.

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of work



User Research

Project Planning


Stakeholder Alignment


Front-end Development

Back-end Development

Responsive Development

Integration Testing

Unit Testing


Visuals Design

Information Architecture

Visual Moodboards

UI Design

UX Design


Quality Assurance

Usability Testing

Performance Testing

Functionality Testing

Zone Q large logo
Zone Q trend analysis
Zone Q screen preview



    What is ZoneQ? An Industry 4.0 complete solution that integrates a product that changed the way successful businesses operate forever - technology. Technology is ever-growing, and the best thing we can do is implement it to ease business stress, and cost. Lead by that statement, and inspired by our client, we created SmartBoxes that have the ability to sense and collect relevant data, therefore, triggering needed actions in real-time. To put it simply, these boxes scan zones around them and instantly send relevant data back. Having all data accessible in real-time tremendously helps our clients organize all work orders that need to be conducted in that specific location.


    Workforce scheduling optimization provided our client with fantastic benefits such as streamlining the entire team operating workflow and optimizing business operation practices. This was especially valuable to our client regarding the fact his work mainly focuses on fieldwork operations. Using smart recommendations incorporated into this type of business strategy, the chances of human errors were decreased drastically resulting in the best possible outcome during any type of workflow. Automatizing the system in this way allowed us to build a customizable platform that can predict future work demands, and increase all-around business success.


    ZoneQ is one platform that unites all attributes needed to run a successful complex business such as a calendar for employees, teams, standard work, as well as terrain work organization. Among other things, it consists of a detailed thought-out depository system where our client can store equipment, business vehicles, documentation, and his clients themselves. All of this becomes unified data which enables our client to have precise, accurate, real-time insights into all acquirable aspects of his business. Alongside that, faster, more accurate analysis, improved data quality, reduced costs and increased revenues. Finally, resulting in the ability to make better business decisions altogether.

Zone Q Floor plans

Our collaboration with Layer on the ZoneQ project has been a positive and productive experience. Their technical skills and ability to grasp our vision have contributed to the development of a solution that meets our needs. We value their commitment to our project and the partnership we've formed."

Siniša Tomić

Executive Manager

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